Waiver of obligations under Rule 9 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers
Date archives:
Victoria Oil & Gas Plc
Placing, subscription and open offer with new and existing shareholders
Jersey Oil & Gas plc
Placing to raise c.£23.76 million
Prospex Oil and Gas plc
Placing with new and existing investors
Defenx plc
Placing, subscription & issue of convertible bonds
Jangada Mines plc
Placing and admission of the enlarged share capital to trading on AIM
Tri-Star Resources plc
Variation and conversion of loan notes, placing and redemption of loan notes
The Prospect Japan Fund Limited
Recommended all-share offer for The Prospect Japan Fund Limited (LSE) on behalf of Prospect Co., Ltd. (TSE:3528). First ever all Japanese share offer for an UK listed / Takeover Code company
Katoro Gold plc
Acquisition of Kibo Gold Ltd from Kibo Mining plc, Cancellation of admission to the Standard Segment of the Official List and of trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange, Placing, Rule 9 Waiver, change of name from Opera Investments plc to Katoro Gold plc and admission to trading on AIM of the …